Paletizadores Visser

Palletizer model OPPM for the palletising of bagged products from 10 to 50 kg This compact palletizer is used in the agricultured and industrial sectors. The palletising of burlap, paper and polynet bags from 10 to 50 kg with different dimension are possible. The bagpositions are easy to adjust. It is possible to pile and overlap, both on standard and on euro-pallets. The standard version of the machine is supplied with 6 pre-progammed and 28 are free programmable There is no damage of the product through low dropsystem. Through a rollerconveyor with excenter rollers the bag will be flattened, so avery nice pallet will be the result. It is possible to have more empty pallets on stock. All positionmotors are frequency regulated.
Prinsen Visser - 2
Prinsen Visser - 3
Prinsen Visser - 4
Prinsen Visser - 5
Prinsen Visser - 6


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